Friday, November 10, 2006

~NoBoDy iS NoBodY~

Have you ever thought that one day you would end up to be someone you never thought you would be?
Yup,I have. When I was a little girl, I always thought that I would be an ordinary girl, with a simple life, and would spend the rest of my life as simple as possible. To be honest, I wanted to be recognised as the plain Jane so that I could just disappear whenever I want to.
As I'm getting older and gain more exerience each day I live, I notice that nobody is ordinary. In fact, everybody is somebody. All of us are the ordinary people who do extraordinary things in our life.
Have you ever noticed that sometimes we quote our friends' sayings in our daily conversation. That is one of the ways that show the person is someway significant in our life,whether you realize it or not? Have you ever felt that, at times when the person is right next to you, you never give even a minute to look at her or him properly, or even say how beautiful or smart he/she is that day. Little did you know, even a small acknowledgement from you can actually change his/her feelings fot the rest of her day, or maybe forever. Even a simple sentence as "You look nice today" would give a big impact on a person. You never know how your words and action can actually change a person's life.
My dear comrades, I am writing this as something for me and all of you as food for thoughts. Let's us be somebody,be the ordinary people who do extraordinary things, because we can actually CHANGE somebody or something in our live. Let's make the world a better place to live in. Till then, mates.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Ciri-ciri Lelaki Idaman

I was tagged by Nisa to list down 10 Ciri-ciri Lelaki Idaman..aduhai.... So, here it goes..jeng jeng..

1)Beragama dan berakhlak mulia.
Semestinya mengambil berat hal agama Islam terutamya dalam menunaikan solat 5 waktu. Boleh menjadi imam (ketua) dalam keluarga. Perempuan kan ibarat kayu yang bengkok, memerlukan lelaki yang soleh untuk meluruskannya.

Mempunyai pengetahuan yang luas, sama ada ilmu dunia dan akhirat. Boleh membimbing saya di dunia dan akhirat. Mempunyai wawasan untuk sentiasa memajukan diri.

Bertanggungjawab dalam menjalankan tugas sebagai khalifah Allah di muka bumi. Sedia menjalankan tugas sebagai ketua keluarga. Seseorang yang membuat saya rasa selamat apabila berada dengannya.

4)Memberi ketenangan
Pada saya, seseorang itu mestilh apabila "kita lhat wajahnya, hati kita menjadi tenang dan apabila kta dengar suaranya segala masalah kta boleh hilang"

Seseorang itu mestilah mempunyai sense of humour untuk menceriakan suasana. Dia boleh membuat saya senyum sepanjang hari tanpa rasa letih. Dalam masa yang sama, menggelakkan lawak-lawak yang saya cipta..hihi

6)Romantik dan realistik
Sangat peka terhadap diri saya dan penyayang. Dalam setap perbuatannya dapat dilihat dengan jelas yang dia amat menyayangi saya. Expressive.Dalam masa yang sama dia sangat realistik dalam setiap perbuatan yang dilakukan.

Mempunyai keyakinan diri yang tinggi dan bijak dalam membuat keputusan. Seseorang yang sangat rasional dan tegas dalam membuat keputusan. Maklum sajalah, saya ini degil orangnya..hihi

Sabar dalam melayan karenah saya, memandangkan saya hanya manusia biasa yang tak lepas daripada melakukan kesilapan.

9)Mempunyai keluarga atau keturunan yang baik.
Keluarga memainkan peranan yang penting. Kesungguhan seseorang itu boleh dilihat daripada hubungannya dengan keluarga. Family man..

10)Menerima saya seadanya
Above all, seseorang itu mestilah menerima saya dan keluarga saya seadanya. Mencinitai seseorang itu bukanlah kerana kesempurnaannya tetapi kerana menerima ketidaksempurnannya.

Kesimpulannya, tanpa saya sedari, saya ingin seseorang yang seperti "abi" saya. Bersyukur pasa Allah, I have found the one...

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

~CarPe Diem~

live life to the fullest..that's what people are advised to do. but do we really really live our life to the fullest? yesterday i watched a movie entitled "wanee and junah" (korean movie) after taking a heavy dinner with wanee, hehehe... while watching the movie,jaime, hannah, wanee and i were aggressively angry towards the heroine of the movie (wanee). why? just because she did not appreciate her bf (junah) who were right in front her very own eyes. instead of appreciating the effort done by junah, wanee was trying to keep herself away from him and kept remembering her childhood memories with her ex. how devastated a bf would feel when your gf is thinking about her ex without even acknowledging your presence in front of her? towards the end of the movie, when junah suddenly decided to go to Seoul for a few days, then only wanee realised that she actually missed junah and everything that junah did. even a small of thought from junah which was to program the television to switch on everytime wanee came home so that she would not feel lonely was enough to make her cry out of guilt. i have learnt from the movie that i should appreciate my loved ones who are always there for me, instead of remembering all the bad memories that may hinder me from moving on with my life.never ever take things for granted, because you never know what may happen tomorrow or will there ever be a start your day by saying "i love you" to everybody that you love (if possible) your live to the fullest with your loved ones and appreciate even small things done by other people. a simple phrase of "thank you" won't hurt right?