Monday, February 26, 2007

~GirRLs aLeRT- Keeping Makeup Bacteria Free~

Hai there,

It has been a while since I last updated my blog..ngeh ngeh..

Currently, I am literally addicted to Tyra Banks..yup..the supermodel who has retired and currently hosting her own talk show -"The Tyra Banks Show"..

Logging in her website has been my number one daily activity. My life is not complete until I read her website..(kinda sound like a hardcore fan of her huh?)by logging in her websites I find a a lot interesting tips about ANYTHING, from makeup to solving your financial problem..

So girls..especially makeup freaks..these are some important tips I got from her website that I want to this's essential, trust me!

Do you know that makeup bags can become a breeding ground for germs and bacteria? Dermatologists say a messy makeup kit can lead to infection, allergic reaction and even acne. The first step to ensure makeup looks great and skin stays acne-free are cleans tools. So girls, keep these tips in mind to avoid any potential irritations that may occur with dirty brushes and products.

You need to clean your brushes. Wash your brushes weekly with a mild dish detergent or a specially formulated cleanser. Make sure they are completely dry before putting them away. use one-use items like Q-tips or disposble sponges. Store makeup in a cool dry spot.

OK girls,now that your tools are clean, look at the products you're putting on your face. This is important, there is a limit to how much makeup you can use at any given time and makeup does go bad, so don't buy more than you need. Bacteris can be found in used makeup. Mascara should be at the top of "DO NOT SHARE" list because conjunctivitis is fairly contagious and virus like herpes can be spread through shared lipstick.


Mascara: Mascara lasts 3-6 months and is th emost prone of all makeup to spread bacteria because the wand is constantly being dipped.

Concelaer: Lasts about 18 months dueto emulsion (the ingredients will begin to separate). Also, remember that you're generally using concealer to cover blemishes which can be more sensitive and prone to infection than other parts of your face.

Liquid foundation: You should never use liquid foundation after more than one year. Always use a sponge, and not your fingers! If the foundation separates or smells, throw it out.

Loose powder: It can last for years

Eye shadow: Lasts 12-18 months (cream), lasts 2 years if it's powder.

Lip pencil: Lasts for 3 years

Lipstick: Can hold up for 2-3 years, but if there is color change or smell, throw it out.

Lip gloss: Don't keep more than 18 months due to a different formulation chemical composition and the same dipping problem as mascara.

That's all girls, hope this tips will help..adios


sd. said...

eei..scary dowh..b careful syg!!

Anonymous said...

saydaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....miss you mish mish mish you..take care k

sd. said...

sape miss aku ni?? np anonymous??huhu

~FARIZA~ said...

ini beta..fariza..hahahha..i la sayang..kasi suspense sikit..

sd. said...

hehe..mish u too mushy mushy!

wanee ahnal said...

eh.. tibe2 jd sesi luahan perasaan! Apekah?? Anyway pari~ nice useful tips u got there!! huhu

Anonymous said...

casperbaby: heheh.betulla wanee..selalu comment i akan ke arah yg lain..ahahhha..tq tq